smart city
iSIM is used to manage sensors for a variety of applications, including lighting, waste management, weather control, energy management, and smart agriculture.
As a result of iSIM, more effective intelligent transportation systems will be readily available such as the Red Light Violation Detection System, the Variable Message System, the Corridor Speed Enforcement System, and the Parking Violation Detection System.
ındustry 4.0
iSIM is designed for the management of sensors such as Extractive Gas Analyzers, In-Situ Gas Analyzers, 2D & 3D Machine Vision, Luminescence, Register, Color, Contrast, Pattern sensors.
PhYsıcal security
It is possible to manage small or large areas using iSIM Physical Security tools, which include security cameras, access control systems, radars, buried cable systems, and smart fences.
What is iSIM?
iSIMPlatform is an Orchestration Platform that includes prominent features such as single point management, integration capability with various systems, dynamic screen management, and customizable reporting screens in accordance with the user needs.
iSIMPlatform stands out with its innovative architecture that can create the necessary infrastructures to communicate all sub-systems with each other, correlating the collected data, making automatic decisions and making trend analyzes and forecasting by the bigdata pool. iSIMPlatform, designed by the user requirements obtained through many years of field experience with a modern architecture enabled by today’s technology, offers a flexible and scalable infrastructure.
iSIMPlatform enables organizations to manage their operations more cost-effectively with the efficiency and productivity it provides. iSIMPlatform sets itself apart as a platform that offers savings opportunities to institutions with this structure.

What Makes iSIM Unique?
Provides cost-effective purchasing based on its performance.
Offers cost effective purchasing according to its performance.
Compliant with globally recognized protocols.
Within the operating process, no need to pay high costs for maintenance and support.
Flexible & Scalable
The system has the ability to change the number of sensors and users as needed.