iSIM is a Technology Platform that creates software for the Green and Smart Cities concepts. iSIMPlatform, in particular, can be used in Smart City verticals such as Intelligent Transportation, Smart Factories, Smart Metering, Smart Agriculture, and so on. 

iSIMPlatform allows for the monitoring and management of multiple technologies from a single platform. The innovative infrastructure of iSIMPlatform contributes to the sustainability of cities.

What iSIM Can Do For Your Smart City Projects

Sensors and other third-party systems are unable to communicate with one another due to the property-oriented protocols they employ. Because of the miscommunication between these systems, incidents and emergencies cannot be handled quickly and effectively. This could result in operational chaos and financial losses.

All sensors that communicate with different protocols can be integrated into iSIMPlatform and managed on a single platform, brand and model independently, thanks to its innovative and flexible structure.

Thanks to its scalable & future proof structure, costs can be reduced and institutions & organizations can be more profitable.

Some of the benefits of iSIM for Smart Cities are smart resource management, security and safety in all dimensions, connected cities, improved sustainability and efficient cities.

Disconnected Sensors & Field Devices
Lack of Interoperability
Catering for Today’s Requirements Only
Proprietary-Oriented Protocols, Systems & Devices
No Consideration for Future Needs
No Proper Adjustment for Client’s Feedback

Main concepts of smart city

IoT Sensors
Scada Management
Sensor Data Analyze
Automatic Quality Management Systems
Connected Sensors
Production Line Monitoring and Management

The solution for smart cities

In response to the shared requirements, iSIM Platform will provide a comprehensive solution that will address all current highlighted issues and serve as the foundation for all future Smart City elements for the country.

Data Collection
Data Analysis & Correlation
Resolution Recommendation
Prediction & Suggestions
Reporting & Alarms
Audit Trail
Modification & Enhancement
Interoperability Integration

What do we offer today?

Easy to Buy
Fit to Global Standarts
Flexible & Scalable
Low Maintenance / Support Needs

Our Strengths And Differences

Easy & Fast Integration with any Sensor, Device or Third Party Subsystem

Instant Update and Deployment of Workflow Changes

Admin Friendly User Interface

Rich Input / Output Support

Real Time Response

Independent Development Opportunities for Clients

Command and control center

Incident Management Center
Dispatch Center
Strategic Operations and Monitoring
Crisis Management Center
Management Room
Emergency Call Center

Alarm management & adaptive workflow

With Adaptive Workflows, any type of alarm can be managed from birth to death.

The system is flexible to create and follow different scenarios and processes for various kinds of alarms.

The Workflow for Alarm and Incident Management is a unique feature provided by iSIM; multiple alarms and incidents can be managed at the same time.

Through the Dynamic Workflow Structure, iSIM Platform gives users the freedom to create their own alarm and incident management panels.

Bluetooth based traffic analysis system

In iSIM, variable Message Signs from mobile platforms and websites can be used to share calculated average travel time with citizens.

The Bluetooth Based Traffic Analysis will assist the Origin Destination services in managing traffic in the city and providing accurate information to citizens on the best route between the Origin and the Destination.

Sensor Origin Destination (O-D) Vector

Management and Monitoring

Origin Destination Travel Time Estimation and Analysis

Real Time Publishing Through Variable

Messaging System

Color Coded Traffic Flow Density Information on Estimated Travel Times

Our competitive advantages

iSIMPlatform distinguishes itself through its innovative architecture, which can build the infrastructure required to communicate all subsystems with one another, correlate the collected data, make automatic decisions, and perform trend analyses using the bigdata pool.

iSIMPlatform provides a flexible and scalable infrastructure by combining user requirements gathered over many years of field experience with a modern architecture enabled by today’s technology.

With its efficiency and productivity, the iSIMPlatform enables organizations to manage their operations more cost-effectively. iSIMPlatform distinguishes itself as a platform that provides savings opportunities to institutions of this structure.

Because of the iSIMPlatform, resources can be used more efficiently, increasing city sustainability and efficiency. Waste of resources can be avoided thanks to the efficiency provided by iSIMPlatform, which helps to reduce environmental damage. Human factor errors can be avoided by using the iSIMPlatform.

The iSIMPlatform can be used in any IP-based structure, particularly Smart City Projects.

Our other solutions 


As a result of iSIM, more effective intelligent transportation systems will be readily available such as the Red Light Violation Detection System, the Variable Message System, the Corridor Speed Enforcement System, and the Parking Violation Detection System.

Physical Security

It is possible to manage small or large areas using iSIM Physical Security tools, which include security cameras, access control systems, radars, buried cable systems, and smart fences. IGA preferred iSIMPlarform for security management.

industry 4.0.

iSIM is designed for the management of sensors such as Extractive Gas Analyzers, In-Situ Gas Analyzers, 2D & 3D Machine Vision, Luminescence, Register, Color, Contrast, Pattern sensors.